Hall Bloch attorneys achieve trial court wins for Railroad on preclusion of Positive Train Control FELA claims.

Hall Bloch attorneys obtained 2 favorable rulings finding the Federal Railroad Safety Act (FRSA) in one case and Signal Inspection Act (SIA) in another precluded plaintiff’s FELA claims that a railroad should have been operating a train with functioning Positive Train Control (PTC) at the time of the incident.  The first matter was in KY Federal Court where the Court found that the Railroad’s compliance with its PTC implementation plan submitted to the Federal Railroad Administration pursuant to the FRSA  precluded any claims that the railroad should have operated the train in question with PTC. The second matter was in Bibb County State Court where the court found that the railroad’s compliance with the requirements of the SIA precluded any claims that the railroad should have operated the train in question with PTC. Firm attorneys Daryl Clarida and Hilary Adams were involved in the KY federal case and Steve Stewart, Daryl Clarida and Walker Stewart were involved in the Bibb County case.   

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